Screen 4300S (B2) Thermal CTP
Laser type: 32-channel infrared laser diodes
Imaging: External drum
Maximum plate size: 830 x 660 mm (32.6" x 25.9")
Minimum plate size: 324 x 370 mm (12.8" x 14.6")
Exposure size: 830 x 633 mm (32.6" x 24.9") [15-mm (0.5") leading edge clamp and 12-mm (0.4") trailing edge clamp
Resolution: 1,200/2,000/2,400/2,438/2,540/4,000 dpi
Repeatability: ±5 microns
Throughput: 21 plates/hr at 2,400 dpi (plate dependent)
Plate types: Thermal (infrared sensitive) plates
Punch: Internal (Heidelberg, Protocol, Komori, and others)
SA-L 4300II single-cassette autoloader
Plate transport: Fully automatic loading and automatic interleaf removal
Cassette capacity: 100 plates

Screen 8000 MKII (B1) Thermal CTP
Laser type: 32-channel infrared laser diodes
Imaging: External drum
Maximum plate size: Maximum 1,160 x 940 mm (45.6" x 37")
Minimum plate size: Minimum 450 x 370 mm (17.7" x 14.6")
Grip edge: Across the drum: Same as plate size around the drum: Either 16 mm (0.62") or 24 mm (0.94") smaller than the plate size*
Resolution: 1,200/2,000/2,400/2,438/2,540/4,000 dpi
Repeatability: ±5 microns
Throughput: 13 plates/hr at 2,400 dpi (plate dependent)
Plate handling: Semi-automatic loading (standard)
Plate types: Thermal (infrared sensitive) plates
Punch: Internal (Heidelberg, Protocol, Komori, and others)

Highwater Python (B2) Violet CTP
Laser type: Violet 120 mW laser diode (405 nm)
Imaging: Internal Drum, aluminium alloy with hard anodised finish
Maximum plate size: 745 (register edge) x 615 mm, 0.3 mm thick (29.4” x 24.2” x 0.012”)
Minimum plate size: 335 (register edge) x 400 mm, 0.15 mm thick (13.2” x 15.8” x 0.006”)
Grip edge: 15 mm (.59”) minimum at front edge of plate
Maximum image area: 745 x 600 mm (29.4” x 23.6”)
Resolution: 2540 dpi, spot size 10 microns
Repeatability: ± 5 microns image to image; ± 25 microns plate to plate
Throughput: Up to 20 plates per hour B2/4-up; Up to 25 plates per hour B3/2-up
Plate handling: Manual load and unload or Manual load and automatic unload
Plate types: Violet sensitive aluminium plates - Silver and Photopolymer including low chemistry
Registration: 3-pin touch sensitive registration with automatic clamp
Platform: High spec internal Windows PC with Engine control and plate management software
Remote diagnostics as standard

Highwater Cobra (B3) Violet CTP
Laser type: Violet 120 mW laser diode (405 nm)
Imaging: Internal Drum, aluminium alloy with hard anodised finish
Maximum plate size: 550 (register edge) x 627 mm, 0.3 mm thick (21.6” x 24.6” x 0.012”)
Minimum plate size: 300 (register edge) x 380 mm, 0.15 mm thick (13.2” x 15.8” x 0.006”)
Grip edge: 12 mm (0.47”) minimum at front edge of plate
Image area: 550 x 612 mm (21.6” x 24.0”) maximum
Resolution: 2540 dpi, spot size 10 microns
Repeatability: ± 5 microns image to image; ± 25 microns plate to plate
Throughput: Up to 30 plates per hour B3/2-up
Plate handling: Manual load and unload
Plate types: Violet sensitive aluminium plates - Silver and Photopolymer including reduced chemistry
Registration: Double-sided registration bar with 3-pin Corner registration
Platform: High spec external Windows PC, Engine control and plate management software with remote diagnostics as standard
File formats: Images 1-bit TIFF bitmap files, compressed formats CCITT Group 4, LZW and PackBits.

ECRM Mako 2 (B3) Violet CTP
Semi- Automatic: Manual load, automatic unload
On-line or off-line operation
Maximum plate size: 560mm x 670mm (22.0” x 26.4”)
Minimum plate size: 228mm x 252mm (8.9” x 9.9”)
Media Types: Violet-sensitive plates
Recording Source: 120 mw violet laser diode (405 nm)
Resolutions: From 1200 to 3556 dpi (472 to 1400 dpcm)
Maximum Line Screen: Up to 200 lpi (78.7 lpcm). Media dependent
Registration: Edge or Punched plate
Repeatability: 0.025mm (0.001”) typical
Processing: Plates are moved to processor automatically by a transport bridge.
Platform: PC with ECRM CtServer interface to Mako.

Highwater 2230 (B2) Violet CTP
Laser type: Violet 120 mW laser diode (405 nm)
Imaging Technology: Flat Bed
Maximum plate size: 660 x 813 mm, (26” x 32”)
Maximum Image Area: 558 x 762 mm, (22” x 30”)
Resolution: 2540 / 1270 dpi
Repeatability: ± 5 microns image to image; ± 25 microns plate to plate
Imaging Time: Full plate – 3 min 50 secs @ 1270 and 7 min 38 secs at 2540 dpi
Plate handling: Manual load and unload
Plate types: Violet sensitive aluminium plates - Silver and Photopolymer including reduced chemistry
Platform: High spec external Windows PC, Engine control and plate management software with remote diagnostics as standard
File formats: Images 1-bit TIFF bitmap files, compressed formats CCITT Group 4, LZW and PackBits.

Highwater 2218 (B3) Violet CTP
Laser type: Violet 120 mW laser diode (405 nm)
Imaging Technology: Flat Bed
Maximum plate size: 558 x 462 mm, (22” x 18.1”)
Maximum Image Area: 558 x 462 mm, (22” x 18.1”)
Resolution: 2540 / 1270 dpi
Repeatability: ± 5 microns image to image; ± 25 microns plate to plate
Imaging Time: Full plate – 1 min 55 secs @ 1270 and 3 min 49 secs at 2540 dpi
Plate handling: Manual load and unload
Plate types: Violet sensitive aluminium plates - Silver and Photopolymer including reduced chemistry
Platform: High spec external Windows PC, Engine control and plate management software with remote diagnostics as standard
File formats: Images 1-bit TIFF bitmap files, compressed formats CCITT Group 4, LZW and PackBits.